Board & Management

Mark Connelly
Non-Executive Chair
Mark Connelly is an internationally experienced financial and commercial executive, with extensive resource industry experience where he held positions of Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director.
He has experience with several multinational companies across many jurisdictions including Australia, North America, South America, Africa and Europe.
Mark is a Corporate Executive with a track record for deal making and was principally responsible for the merger of Papillon Resources and B2 Gold Corp in October 2014 (transaction value USD$570M), as well as the key person responsible for Adamus Resources Limited and Endeavour Mining Merger in September 2011 (transaction value of USD$597M).
Mark is currently non-executive chair of Calidus Resources, Omnia Metals Group, Alto Metals, Warriedar Resources and Nickel Search.

Marc Ducler
Managing Director
Marc Ducler has over 20 years’ experience in the mining industry. For the past 17 years he has been in senior operational management roles with GoldFields, BHP, Fortescue Metals, MRL and Roy Hill. His most recent role was as Managing Director of Egan Street Resources (a gold exploration and development company) until its recent successful takeover by Silver Lake Resources (ASX:SLR)

Peter Stern
Non-Executive Director
Peter Stern is a graduate of Monash University with a Bachelor of Science (geology major). Mr Stern’s career has been in corporate advisory, spending six years with Macquarie Bank and three years with both UBS and Deutsche Bank. In 2000, Mr Stern established Metropolis Pty Ltd, a corporate advisory firm specializing in M&A and capital raisings. Mr Stern is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. He is Chairman of Troy Resources Limited.

David Varcoe
Non-Executive Director
David Varcoe is a mining engineer with more than 30 years’ experience in the industry. He has extensive operational and managerial experience across a number of commodities including gold, iron ore, copper, diamonds, coal, uranium and rare earths. He is experienced in board positions, operations management as well as project management and consulting. David is a principal consultant with leading Australian firm AMC Consulting.

Justin Osborne
Non-Executive Director
Mr Osborne has over 30 years-experience as an exploration geologist. He was previously an Executive Director at Gold Road Resources (ASX: GOR) and was pivotal to the resource development of the world class Gruyere Gold Deposit (6.6Moz Au). Mr Osborne has also previously held senior positions on the exploration executive team of Gold Fields Ltd. He was instrumental in the development of the Damang Superpit project in Ghana and had considerable discovery success at St Ives Gold Mine, (Athena and Hamlet deposits) among other significant Reserve additions. Mr Osborne is a Non-Executive Chairman at Matador Mining Limited (ASX: MZZ) and Non-Executive Director of Hamelin Gold Limited (ASX:HMG).

Brendon Morton
Chief Financial Officer & Company Secretary
Brendon has over 20 years experience including a significant amount of experience in the global resources sector, including Australia, Africa and Asia. Brendon has held a number of executive financial and company secretarial roles with both ASX listed and unlisted companies operating in the resources sector.